Getting back to the blog

Hello! Long time no post, I know. A baby happened!… and then another baby. Hilariously, I just found a blog plan from August 2015 which never made it any further than half a page of notes, so let’s see if I do any better with baby no.2 (incidentally, I came across a whole box of childhood diaries the other day, none of which had any entries past January 15th…).

Baby no.1 has never eaten a pouch of baby food or a ready meal in her life. I found preparing the food just about manageable time-wise, but blogging about it? Forget it. That said, when you have a second baby, you want to travel back in time and shake single-child-mummy while shouting ‘where did all those nap times go??!’. Baby nap times are now the times when you have to ramp up the fun playtime for the pre-schooler so you don’t feel so guilty about plonking them in front of Moana while you breastfeed the other one.

With my food stylist hat on, putting bad-quality photos on my blog feels like nails on a blackboard, but by the time I’ve finished cooking in the evening, a quick snap on the phone in fading light is going to be the best we’re going to get if these recipes are ever going to get uploaded. Prospective clients: please don’t judge me!

Anyway, I hope this new series of posts comes in handy for anyone about to embark upon the weaning journey, or maybe provides a spark of inspiration for those already knee-deep in toddler feeding. Just remember – it’s all a phase!

UPDATE! I drafted the above in 2018 and it’s been languishing in the drafts section of WordPress ever since. Fast-forward to 2020: baby no.1 is now five, baby no.2 is nearly three and we’re entering week four of covid-19 lock down… if you’re reading this, then a miracle has happened and I finally got my bottom in gear (or accidentally pressed ‘publish’ instead of ‘save to draft’).

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