Wild strawberries

Picking wild strawberries

It’s day 3 of our trip to the Dordogne to visit my parents and I still can’t get over the fact that it’s not constantly raining over here. We went for a long walk down the track behind the house earlier and found that the verges were absolutely teaming with fraise des bois. I’ve seen these little jewels in tiny punnets at the local market over here and I’ve been lucky enough to snaffle the odd one or two in the wild in the past, but never in this sort of quantity.

At first you catch just a small glimpse of red amongst the grass, but when you get down on your hands and knees, more andmore come into view.

We picked a few from each plant as we made our way down the lane, making sure that we didn’t leave any plant bare. By the time we got back to the house, we’d picked a feast for dinner.

Picking fraises des bois
Spot the wild strawberry!
Fraise des bois for dinner